Christelle GUYOT

Her speciality? Christelle has always worked in the industrial sector. She discovered quality when the company that hired her decided to get ISO 9001 certification. She found the process fascinating and since then she has not stopped working in quality departments, whether in production, projects or products. She admits to a weakness for project quality and for audits.

Her skills? Christelle is a good listener. She likes to learn from her colleagues and to exchange ideas.

A hobby? Plants and nature in general: « As far as plants are concerned, it’s my garden that pays the price, because as soon as I find a pretty plant in a garden centre or at a friend’s house, I take it home and after a few digs, it quickly finds itself among the others. During my travels, I collect seeds that I then try to grow. For example, I have a tree seed brought back from the island of Malta and I follow its growth with great attention.

Latest country? Portugal: « I had already visited Portugal but recently I went back there with the twinning committee of my village. As much as on my first visit I discovered the culture and history of the country, with the twinning committee I discovered the Portuguese. We received an exceptional welcome and we all look forward to welcoming our Portuguese friends to France. »