
EURO-SYMBIOSE assists you in diagnosing the situation on quality / capacity / logistics issues


Testimony of Pascale ROUSSAY, Head of the QPP department at ANTARGAZ FINAGAZ :

«When it was necessary to prepare the merger of the 2 ISO 9001 management systems, the creation of a project group was a matter of course… In record time, we had to rebuild the entire system, harmonise the perimeters and implement the requirements of the 2015 version! We needed to be accompanied and guided during this period in order to gain the necessary perspective on our original organisations and thus better project ourselves into a new merged, pragmatic and motivating QMS… We had already worked with Madam BAZIN on a diagnosis to bring some of our industrial sites within the scope of certification. Her operational approach, her sense of organisation and her ability to listen made us want to trust her again when it came to choosing a service provider to support us. Now that ANTARGAZ FINAGAZ has been certified, we share this success with her and with all the employees who participated in this project! »

â–ºSee also: Support for change and certification

Testimony of Mrs DANIS, Supplier Quality Manager at LEROY MERLIN :

«We have been working with Jon FOLEY for a year and a half and we have recently started to work together on an important project to improve LEROY MERLIN’s suppliers in Croatia. Jon has a real field experience and he knows how to act with a great professionalism. As a result, he brings real added value to the tasks entrusted to him. A major change has been made following the intervention of EURO-SYMBIOSE. It directly impacts a particular supplier of LEROY MERLIN who was facing a real product quality problem. The diagnosis and the action plan recommended by Jon allowed to eradicate in depth the causes of this non-performance. LEROY MERLIN was able to observe a significant improvement in the product quality delivered by this supplier».

â–ºSee also: Supplier Quality Improvement – A Strategic Challenge for ADEO

Testimony of Robert VILLEMAGNE, Destructive Testing Manager at the AREVA Jeumont site:

« Our collaboration with EURO-SYMBIOSE since five years now. Today, we can say that Roland LUCQUIAUD brings a lot to the laboratory team thanks to his external vision. He knows how to detect the points of improvement as well as the sensitive points. Thanks to his expertise and his very good vision, his remarks are often relevant and rarely contradicted. Moreover, Roland is a specialist especially in the field of measurement uncertainties thanks to his calculations and the implementation of control charts. On these various points, no remark was emitted by the COFRAC. Our collaboration with EURO-SYMBIOSE is not ready to stop. »

â–º See also: EURO-SYMBIOSE contributes to the COFRAC accreditation of AREVA’s destructive testing laboratory