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EN 9100 – QMS in the aerospace and defence sector: the requirements of the standard – #75

Training in partnership with GIFAS
- You are an organization in the aeronautics, space and defense sector and you wish to develop a quality management system that meets the requirements of the EN 9100 standard with a view to certification.
- You are looking to train the key actors of your QMS in order to clarify the expectations of the EN 9100 standard, with concrete ways to implement the requirements.
- You are looking to understand the relationship between daily activities and the requirements of the standard.
- Understand the requirements of the EN 9100 standard and know how to use it.
- Evaluate your current practices in relation to the requirements of the standard.
- Detect opportunities for improvement or needs for evolution
Recommanded for
- Process Drivers.
- Internal auditors.
- Management teams
- Quality/QHSE managers, engineers and technicians
No prerequisites.
- The standard is analyzed in a logical and progressive way, i.e. the requirements are studied through the typical processes of a company, i.e. the activities creating added value for its customers, then the support activities and finally the management activities.
- The paragraphs of the standard are dissected in order to extract the key elements, which are then compared with examples of best practices implemented in certified companies that have successfully assimilated the requirements for the benefit of the company and its efficiency.
- A « red thread » case study is used to assess various concrete company situations and thus perfect the proper understanding and use of the standard.
- Finally, each participant must, as the analysis of the requirements progresses:
Determine which ones impact him on a daily basis, and how he contributes concretely to its application for the benefit of his company;
Evaluate the actual level of implementation and the performance obtained;
Identify your own areas for improvement.
Evaluation mode
- Knowledge test (MCQ).
Course materials
- Participant file containing the presentations delivered during the training and the exercise materials.
To go further
Trainings :
- EN 9100 – Becoming an internal quality auditor – #74
- Counterfeiting according to EN 9100 – #755
- Knowing and controlling the impact of human factors – #759
- APQP/PPAP according to the Supply Chain Management Handbook (SCMH) and EN9145 – #79
Consulting services: EURO-SYMBIOSE can assist you in the concrete implementation in your company. Contact us to know more about it.
EN 9100 standard.
The concepts of quality management system and the links with the standard.
Requirements for value-added activities.
Requirements related to support activities.
Requirements related to the management of company’s activities.
Requirements related to the construction of the company’s QMS.
Analysis of the management of the company’s processes.
Areas for improvement.
Matthieu MAUREL - MBDA
» A training that is both concrete, fun and relevant to unravel a subject that can be worrisome, when we realize that, in the end, this feeling does not really have to be. Thank you! «
» Very good training. The content was explicit. The mastery of the subject was perfect. »
» The construction of the action plan is a very good thing and allows to save time for the implementation . »
» Training built and organized in an educational way. I did not know the subject before and did not feel the need to learn it. Finally, I was very interested. »
» Well-illustrated training with many practical cases. Allows a good questioning… «
» I wanted to express my complete satisfaction with the quality of the training I received, which is based on the excellence of its facilitator. I appreciate the service as far superior to other providers on similar subjects. »
» The trainer was able to capture our attention with very relevant games ! This allowed us to move on to more complex cases. This training has largely met our expectations. »
Jérémy VILTARD - 3M
» Very well conducted and clear training. We all found answers to our questions. »
Matthieu BRIOT - 3M
» Relevant training that met all expectations and specifications. »
Maxence PETIT - 3M
» Pragmatic training that allows the involvement of each stakeholder. Flexible training that meets the expectations of everyone, according to their level and interests. »
Daphné BARON - 3M
» In-house training for which the consultant was able to perfectly understand our needs and translate them in a simple and practical way. A big thank you to Euro-Symbiose and our trainer Anh Dung Nguyen. »
» Efficient trainer who knows how to pass on this regulatory training with a lot of enthusiasm and dynamism . »
« Exercises, exchanges and practice: very good idea. Allows you to see what you are doing in your daily life and how it applies to the MA. Good adaptation to our context! Thank you «

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